Odontocidium Artur Elle´s 100th Birthday x Odontioda Petit Port "Lyoth Premier"

Origin: in almost all Central and South American countries in tropical and subtropical regions.
Species: over 500
Location: Bright and sunny, slightly shaded during the summer at midday. In summer if possible in the garden - lightly shaded place.
Temperature: In the summer 25 ° C during the day, at night 15-20 ° C. In winter, 18 ° C is enough during the day, 15 ° C at night
Watering: In summer, when the new shoot grows, it will always keep moist material, but it must not be wet. Therefore, pour vigorously and allow water to drain off again. In winter and after flowering, there is a break. Then only so much is poured that the bulbs do not shrink
Fertilization: During the summer growth with every 3rd watering in full concentration. Do not fertilize during the rest period of 10-03.