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Bambus Splitstäbe 10 Stück Bambus Splitstäbe 10 Stück
10 grüne Bambussplitstäbe zum Aufbinden von Orchideenrispen
From €0.75 *
Gittertopf schwarz Gittertopf schwarz
Ideal zur Kultivierung von Dracula Topfgrößen 8x8 cm, 9x9 cm, 10x10 cm und 11x11 cm
From €1.00 *
Jungpflanzensubstrat mit Agro Foam Jungpflanzensubstrat mit Agro Foam
Spezialsubstrat für die Anzucht von Jungpflanzen ca. 2 Liter
€5.90 *
Kokos - Orchideensubstrat (3 Liter) Kokos - Orchideensubstrat (3 Liter)
special Orchidbark with Kokos (3 Liters)
€5.90 *
New Zealand Sphagnum Moos New Zealand Sphagnum Moos
500 Gramm Due to the ability to bind water, it is possible for the orchid to always have moisture in the environment without waterlogging
€39.90 *
New Zealand Sphagnum Moos New Zealand Sphagnum Moos
150 Gramm Due to the ability to bind water, it is possible for the orchid to always have moisture in the environment without waterlogging
€17.90 *
Orchideendünger flüssig Orchideendünger flüssig
4-4-3+Spurenelemente 1Liter
€7.90 *