Ascofinetia Peaches x Neofinetia falcata "Yellow Fuuran"

Origin: From India to Thailand to the Philippines and Indonesia to New Guinea
Species: about 60
Location: windowsill and conservatory, bright, lots of light. No direct sun in mid-summer at noon. A stay outdoors during the summer is possible. Full light in winter. In the absence of light, there is no flowering.
Temperature: Over 25-27 ° C in summer, 20-22 ° C at night. In winter 17-22 ° C. When staying outdoors, the temperature should not drop below 10 ° C for a long time.
Watering: Spray or dip the roots of hanging plants in the summer. If the plants are cultivated in a glass vase for easy maintenance in the room, fill them with water 2-3 times a week and pour them off after about 20-30 minutes. Do not use tap water - preferably rainwater !!!
Fertilization: In the summer half-year from 03-10 every 14 days in the specified concentration, in the low-light period from 11-02 with half the concentration